Saturday, October 26, 2013

Greenhouse Microclimates

I just placed metal shelving in my greenhouse at different levels and place plants on shelves according to their need for light. For example, I place Catteleya Orchids on the top shelf because they need direct sunlight. In the winter, I place five 50 gallon water barrels in the greenhouse to keep up the humidity and to heat the greenhouse during the night by releasing the latent heat of water. I also have tropical fish tanks in the greenhouse and use the fish water to water the orchids. Click on this GREENHOUSE LINK TO VIEW MY GREENHOUSE

Friday, October 25, 2013


In my greenhouse, I have a plastic tub, that I used to make a vermiculture composter also known as worm composting. Take a plastic tub and drill holes in the bottom of the tub and in the lid top. Place a another lid under the bottom to catch the moisture run-off known as compost tea which is the liquid that escapes from the vegetable material. By combining the proper mixture of shredded paper (carbon) with green material (phosphorus and nitrogen) one will get a soft fluffy soil made from worm castings. You should turn the compost pile once a week to get the compost worms moving through all the vegetable matter. If you do not get the right mix of paper ( carbon) and green material ( phosphorus and nitrogen), the compost will take on the odour of rotting vegetation. Carbon adds sweetness to the compost and removes any odour.